From a 'Stanton'® Clan
Oh golly! What a year it has been! 1997 has brought on a plethora of change for us as most of you must know already. It all started back in January...
It was Tuesday the 20th when I experienced an upset stomach. Of course, it was passed off as 'disagreeable food'. Little did we know that a month later we would be holding an Early Pregnancy Test with a big red "+" sign radiating from it, lighting up the whole room. Silence fell on the Stanton household. Could it be that I was (gasp!) pregnant? Well, a quick trip to the doctor confirmed it. Tom caught his breath long enough to squeak out "congratulations", but we were still in complete shock. Now we know why pregnancy lasts for nine months. It takes about that long to get used to the idea that you're going to have a child.
The pregnancy was relatively uneventful (yawn) considering I never experienced morning sickness, swelling, mood swings, radical cravings, etc. (woohoo!). Actually, I have never felt better in my entire life (jealous much?). I give all the credit to prenatal vitamins, a good attitude and an incredibly supportive husband. Tom had all of the symptoms for me - isn't that sweet? The bigger I got, the funnier it became. One friend said, "Your boobs and belly are having a race and I don't know who's winning!" Well put, I thought.
Tom started working at Road Warrior after Labor Day. It was difficult for Tom to leave Ingram Micro considering what a great employer the company is, but the offer from Road Warrior was too good to pass up (more $$$). It was a terrific opportunity (more $$$) and Tom is now a Senior Account Executive (more $$$) working closely with Ingram Micro and many large reseller accounts (more $$$).
One September day, Tom stopped by the Jeep dealership after work to find a vehicle that a baby seat would fit into. He zipped home and took me back to the dealership. After four hours and two salesmen, Tom and I drove off the lot with an upgraded four-door Jeep 4x4 with all the bells and whistles... with no money down and the same monthly payment as our old Jeep. The sales manager was so impressed by Tom's sales savvy, he offered him a job on the spot. My respect for Tom's negotiation skills doubled that day. No, he didn't take the job offer, but I bet there are two new sales positions open at the Jeep dealership now.
October came quickly, my belly won the race, and all of a sudden I was doing breathing techniques in the Irvine Medical Hospital maternity ward. Twenty nine hours later, Laura was in my arms, biting the doctor as she came into the world. Would you expect any less from our offspring? She was worth the wait... and the pain (no epidural or pain killers, all natural). I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Tom is the best birthing coach around (push her out, shove her out, wayyyy out!). Now it's up to you to get over the shock that Tom and I have procreated (insert scream here --> )! Don't worry, you'll get over it. We did.
I hope you enjoy the first Tom, Patty & Laura Show Family Photo and we wish you the best of everything in 1998!
Love always, The Tom, Patty & Laura Show