Christmas is here once again! There isn't any snow on the ground here in Orange County, Land of Gracious Living, but somehow we know that it's the season for that weird white stuff to fall out of the sky somewhere. The Tom & Patty Show Update: Tom and I are quite excited about the holidays this year. No, we're not pregnant... yet. I am still trying to get used to the idea of "Child Birth" (it's how big... and it comes out where?)
We both still work at Ingram Micro: a great place to eat, work and shop! Tom is in the Partners group in the Sales department selling Claris Volume Licensing. Yeah, I don't know what that is either, but it's high-end! He is doing a wonderful job and darn it, people like him! I have been in the Marketing department for 2.5 years now, 6 years at Ingram Micro total. I 'd leave, but they continue to be the supreme distributor of computers in the industry and keep giving me these dang performance bonuses. Our competitors just don't cut the mustard and I NEED THE MONEY!
Both Tom and I are studying martial arts at the same dojo. Tom just received his second degree black belt! He's been at it for 4.5 years. Tom clearly enjoys it and he can kick some serious hiney. I was rewarded with my green belt a few months ago so I can kick Tom's hiney, but only if he doesn't expect it (and then I have to run like heck!). I started in March of this year and I have learned so much (like counting to ten in Japanese -- stand back!).
Petting Zoo News: We still have our two (don't gross-out now) ball pythons, Mickey & Mallery (named after the characters in the movie "Natural Born Killers"). Both are a little over a year old now. Taz, our iguana, just moved into a lizard "condo". This cage dwarfs our livingroom television set. Taz is doing well too, obviously. Rosey, our rose-haired tarantula, is still around. She molted a few months ago (and when she molts, it's just like watching National Geographic!). And last but not least, there is our wonderful and entertaining tabby, Zeke. He's the "normal" pet, if you consider cats to be normal (?). Zeke is the one who picks out the allergic individual in the crowd and he's very people-friendly (nice kitty, now go away... ahhchew!). If you want to come and visit Tom & Patty's Petting Zoo, please write to us or call and we will send you a map and a free pass (normally $10 at the door).
We are currently living in Irvine and our new address (as of July 29, 1995) is: 199 Topeka, Irvine, CA 92714 (don't write that in ink!). Our new number is: (714) 733-2871. We are also on-line now: tomandpk@aol.com. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we wish all the best for you in 1996!
Love always,
The Tom & Patty Show (Stanton)